Tending Families from Womb to Tomb

WellMama CIC is a multi-generational community of birth keepers and wisdom weavers from all around the world. Birth is our first threshold and rite of passage into life. How we experience birth, as a baby, a mother, a parent, as a family and as a community imprints upon us for the rest of our lives. We nurture women, mothers, babies and their families; honouring and tending rites of passage from conception through pregnancy, birth, postpartum and beyond.

WellMama’s mission is to Cultivate a Culture of Community Care and Celebration that centers well being and honours diverse traditions. 

This mission is to cultivate a culture of community care, weaving together ancient wisdom and contemporary practices to support women, mothers, families, and communities through a matrifocal lens of nurturing, belonging, and resilience. Rooted in matricentric values, we honor natural cyclical rhythms, the spiral of the seasons and the wisdom of Earth and the Heavens.

“You were kind, gentle and non-judgmental during my pregnancy. I felt that my antenatal care was missing the emotional aspects, which you helped me think about and address.”

— Mama from Bristol